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HSE Apps
Near Miss - Incident (Without Consequences)
Location :
*Site/Responsible Department :
This can be the department of your supervisor or site supervisor, or department of the contract holder
Email ID (Optional):
Email notification of the near miss report will be sent to the email address entered in this field.
Involved Contractor :
Contractor involved in the near miss.
*HSE Categories :
The HSE Category of the near miss reported.
Where did the Incident Occur ?
*Specific Location : (Maximum 200 Character is allowed)
The location where the near miss took place.
When did the Incident Occur ?
*Date/Time Occured :
Enter Date and Time Which NearMiss Occured.
Date Reported :
       *Event Description :
(Maximum 1320 Character is allowed)
*Corrective Action Taken :
(Maximum 990 Character is allowed)
Action taken to correct the near miss and prevent from escalating to a top event.
All the fields marked as (*) are mandatory

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