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Super Wednesday 13th September 2023 10/8/2023


Super Wednesday

Dear All,


Last week we had two incidents related Road Safety. In one incident tubing fell of a truck while being transported to the workshop. The tubing was not secured properly  and the load was not inspected during the long journey to the base. In the other incident related to a prime mover .In another road related incident a third-party prime mover connected with N2 unit trailer, was in the process of demobilizing equipment, approximately 10 kilometres from the initial location, the driver became aware of a blowout in one of the right-side tires of the trailer, resulted from a fire that rapidly spread to the rear-right tires. In this incident the driver had noticed a leak when air leak was observed in the air coupling and did not take precautions to rectify the situation.


Please engage with all your drivers and highlight the following

  • Inspect & verify loads are secured prior starting journey
  • empower them to report /escalate any issues identified while inspecting the vehicles prior journey


Recently we have seen an increase of incidents related to trip and falls in the camps and location. Please carry out an hazard hunt to verify the ladders and steps are complying with the requirements.



As you can see from the initial findings from the attached HSE flashes few of the Musta¿ed steps were missing which lead to the event happening. It is important that we ask open question for each of these elements so we can have an effective engagement with the crew carrying out the job. In the coming weeks we will be sharing some of the questions you can ask to the crew carrying out the task when you do your Musta¿ed Engagements. Lets focus on STEP 2 this week-Check Equipment



Examples of Questions you can ask during TBT/Planning for each Musta¿ed element :


STEP-2:  Check Equipment


ASK: How do you know your equipment is calibrated?

ASK: When was the equipment last inspected? Does it have COC /COS?

ASK: Which backups do you have? What about spares?



Hands & Fingers Campaign

Let us continue with the focus on Hands and Finger injury prevention via the campaign we kicked off . By utilizing the attached pack , we request you to continue engagement sessions with the site crews with the aim of arresting the HSE trend and ensuring safe operations. E-CCC Effective learning ¿Hands & Fingers Injuries Prevention Campaign¿ is now updated and 30th of Sep is put as a deadline for all site engagements verification.



UWA Learning From Assurance

Dear All,

This week¿s Learning from Assurance reflects on recent discussions around Working at Height. Working at Height is one of the most frequent high-risk activities in well engineering operations and recent incidents have highlighted the need to focus on managing the risks when working in the derrick/mast.

The attached PWR provides a high-level summary of the requirements for managing the risks of Working at Height, addressing the procedures, controls (including equipment checks), and recovery/rescue measures. Also attached is a previously issued LFA on the correct use of fall arrestors and in particular using a correctly routed line to prevent any snagging with moving blocks.

The main topics captured includes:

1.       Procedures

    • Procedures & JSA to safely manage working at height.
    • DROPS requirements.

2.    Equipment Checks

    • Certified and inspected harnesses and lanyards.
    • Equipment managed by a register with weekly/daily checks.
    • Fall arrestor lines correctly routed b(verifying the line cannot get snagged.

3.    Controls

    • Checklists, Derrick access register, tools aloft register.
    • Management of red/No-go zones.

4.    Contingency

    • Trained personnel ¿ drills performed (including self-recovery).
    • Rescue equipment available, inspected, and ready for use.
    • Rescue at height procedure available (including JSA) from all at height areas, including the crown.
    • Trained personnel ¿ drills performed.
    • Emergency Response Plan available and understood.


To access more LFAs/PWRs from UWA activities please follow this link to UWD Knowledge Base  KB.


UWD HSE Website

UWD HSE Website:


To download HSE alerts & other HSE  info please follow the below link and  steps.



Contractors: or scan the QR code (login id & password needed)

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